Garments of Nomex® fibre have helped protect firefighters for decades. Continuous exhaustive testing proves that they excel in the long-term retention of their heat and flame protective qualities.
Beyond the call of duty
Nomex® fibre helps turnout gear withstand many years of service, abrasive hard wear and wash cycles, as well as exposure to UV light.
In tests, an outershell made of Nomex® fibre retained 84% of its tensile strength after 25 washes, compared to just 52% for an outershell with 60% para-aramid.
Fabrics made of Nomex® help deliver significantly higher rates of abrasion resistance, compared to many other fabrics. This correlates directly with wearlife and durability – key concerns for firefighters across Europe.
Better abrasion resistance
Abrasion resistance correlates with wear life and durability. Most fabrics with Nomex® branded fibres have high abrasion resistance, compared to some fabrics with high para-aramid content fibre blends. Although high para-aramid content provides high mechanical strength, outershell fabrics containing 60% para-aramid show a significant drop in tear strength after washing, compared to outershell fabrics with a higher percentage of Nomex®.
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Performance Durability